Jevon Wright
Hey, that’s me ^_^
- Age: 30
- Star Sign: Gemini
- E-mail:
- Occupation: Researcher, Software Engineer
- Location: Wellington, New Zealand at 174.78, -41.29
- Journal: jevon
- jdub_dub
- Twitter: @soundasleep
- LinkedIn: LinkedIn
- Delicious: jevonwright
- GitHub: soundasleep
- Ohloh: jevon
- GPG: Public Key
- Bands: See my profile
- Albums: Too many to name.
- Movies: Princess Mononoke, The Matrix, Prozac Nation, But I’m a Cheerleader
- Games: Deus Ex, Diablo 2, Starcraft 2, Terraria
Technology Experience
- General-purpose languages: Java, Ruby, Javascript, Coffeescript, Lua, C, C++, Visual Basic 6
- Web languages: PHP, ASP, JSP, VBScript, CSS, HTML, XML, RSS, Smarty, HAML
- Server web frameworks: Ruby on Rails (Ruby), Drupal (PHP), Alfresco (Java), Symfony (PHP), JET
- Client web frameworks: EmberJS, Handlebars, JQuery, bootstrap, AJAX, REST etc.
- RDBMSes: MySQL, sqlite, Microsoft Access, PostgreSQL
- Web servers: Apache, Tomcat, IIS, nginx
- Linux: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, 12.04 LTS, 14.04 LTS
- Eclipse technologies: EMF, GMF, PDE, openArchitectureWare, Xpand, Xtend, SWT
- Testing frameworks: Mocha (Javascript), PHPUnit (PHP), JUnit (Java), JWebUnit (Java), simplectest (C), SimpleTest (PHP)
- Domain-specific languages: UML, MOF, WebML, IAML, UWE
- Verification & semantic languages: Drools, OCL, CrocoPat, Jess, Jena, NuSMV, Alloy, LTL, Atom, RDF, FOAF, OWL
- Visualisation technology: JMonkeyEngine, X3D, VRML, dot
- Version control systems: Git, SVN, CVS
- Office tools: Microsoft Office, LibreOffice, Paint Shop Pro, Cygwin etc.
- Build tools: Grunt, Jenkins, Ant, Hudson, Maven, make
- System scripting languages: Batch scripts, Bash etc.
- Packaging tools: npm, bower, PDE, Composer
- Other experience: LaTeX, XPath, Delphi, Prolog, Matlab, XML schema, XML stylesheets, YAML, CMIS, GPG, Amazon Glacier, MIPS Assembly, IRC, Android etc.
- Cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, Litecoin, Namecoin etc.
- Methodologies: Test-driven, iterative, evolutionary, and agile development; continuous integration and automation; documentation generation
- Music
- Playing music (guitar/drums/keyboard/singing)
- Computer hardware
- Open source
- Video games
- Gender studies
- Hiking, travel