Adding a Select2 View in EmberJS
This is one way to use a select2 component in EmberJS. First, define a view:
App.SelectOrder = Ember.TextField.extend
layoutName: 'select/option'
type: 'hidden'
placeholder: 'initial text'
# parameters for select2
width: '15%'
didInsertElement: ->
console.log("select2 is required for SelectOrder") unless @$().select2
data = [
{ id: "option1", text: "Option one" }
{ id: "option2", text: "Option two" }
{ id: "option3", text: "Option three" }
placeholder: @get('placeholder')
width: @get('width')
data: data
updateValue: (->
# this.value is set to the date, correctly
@$().select2 "val", @value
is important to reflect changes in the model/controller.
You can then use this View in a Handlebars template:
{{view App.SelectOrder valueBinding="sortOrder" class="sort-order"}}
If you are populating the select2 at runtime, then the following may be useful to update the model with e.g. the hidden ID once an element has been selected:
@$().on "change", (event) =>
model = @get("parentView").get("context").get("content")
# Get result object from select2
data = event.added
model.set 'hiddenParameter', data